AP 180 to 171
Fr. Sebastian Sankoorikkal. Solemn Qurbana in Syriac (pre-1962 version).
Call Number | AP 175 |
Part Number | Part I - Syro Malabar Church |
Title | Fr. Sebastian Sankoorikkal. Solemn Qurbana in Syriac (pre-1962 version). |
Duration | 43:09 |
Place of Recording | pre-1962 version |
Date of Recording | |
Youtube URL | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC8S0Bak3V0 |
Video Segment (s) |
Fr. Sebastian Sankoorikkal. Solemn Qurbana in Syriac (pre-1962 version)
Studio recording of Solemn Qurbana in Syriac. Pre-1962 version. Fr. Sebastian Sankoorikkal.
We are fortunate to have yet another set of songs from the pre-1962 version of the Solemn Syriac Qurbana in the voice of a celebrated singer. Fr. Sebastian Sankoorikkal, a multi-faceted music personality, decided to make a studio recording of selected songs from the Syriac Qurbana with the accompaniment of modern electronic musical instruments. The reason for the selection of non-traditional musical instruments was to make these songs more appealing to the younger generation of Syro Malabar Catholics, who are tuned to modern musical sonorities. Fr. Sankoorikkal wanted to pass on the legacy of a great musical tradition that he mastered during his younger days to the future generations that may not have the privilege of practicing such kind of music. Fr. Sankoorikkal begins the Qurbana with a solemn iteration of the minor doxology (1:13) with Halleluia. This is one of the peculiarities of the pre-1962 Qurbana. We heard another example of staring Qurbana with the minor doxology in Aramaic Project-172 Fr. Paul Kodamullil (See video and liner notes in Aramaic Project-172). Both priests, however, sing different texts and follow different performance practices. Fr. Sankoorikkal sings out the simple text with the choir responding in a call-response style. In contrast, we hear a subdued recitation of the minor doxology with the Trisagion in a low voice in the Qurbana of Fr. Kodamullil. (See the note on the minor doxology in Resources for Researchers, RRcall no. 008-105 ). It is a clear indication that priests had considerable freedom in the choice of text and performance practice. There are several other adaptations of Latin texts in Syriac translation that went out of vogue in the revised missal of 1962. The Lord’s Prayer does not follow “Thesbohtha l’alaha” (Glory to God). Instead, the choir continues with the Syriac translation of the Latin Gloria in Excelsis Deo. See Video. The various recordings of the pre-1962 versions of Qurbana that we have posted on this channel might be an excellent resource for scholars to study the history of Syro Malabar Qurbana. In 2014, we had an opportunity to record an interview with Fr. Sankoorikkal (see Aramaic Project 25). That recording is an additional resource. If you liked this video, please support us to continue this project. To make a donation, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joseph J. Palackal, CMI
New York
17 March 2020
Keywords: Fr. Sebastian Sankoorikkal, Syriac Qurbana, Witawangunnen.
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