Holy Saturday Services of Syro Malabar Church
സീറോ മലബാർ സഭയുടെ ദുഃഖ ശനിയാഴ്ച ശുശ്രൂഷകൾ

- Imprimatur- Aug. Kandathil (Abp. of Ernakulam) feb 24,1933
Alexander (Bishop of Kottayam) Feb 24, 1933
F. Vazhapilly (Bishop of Trichur) March,1,1933
J.Kalachery, Ep.Changanacherry March 5, 1933 - Printed at - St joseph's Press. Mannanam
- Year-1933
- Language - Syriac
Keywords -Holy Saturday,Syro Malabar Sabhayude Dhukha Sheniyazhcha Susrushakal, Aug. Kandathil Abp. of Ernakulam, Abp. of Ernakulam, Alexander Bishop of Kottayam, Bishop of Kottayam, F. Vazhapilly Bishop of Trichur, Bishop of Trichur, J.Kalachery. Ep.Changanacherry, St joseph's Press. Mannanam, St joseph's Press, Mannanam
Courtesy - Ann Lia Wilson