Quryēlaisōn (Lord have mercy) / Kuriyelaison (Litany)

Call Number EC-0019

Kuriyelaison (Litany) /
Quryēlaisōn (Lord have mercy)

Category Syriac translation of Latin chants
Sub Category Paraliturgical Services
Liturgical Context Qurbānā and Hours of Syriac churches.


This litany in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary is part of a paraliturgical service known as ladīnj (a Malayalam adaptation of the Portuguese word, ladainha). A ladīnj consists of a litany, hymns, and prayers that vary according to the feast. There are over thirty melodies for this litany, some of which are known only to local choirs. Until the 1960s, the practice was, especially in the formation houses of religious congregations, to sing a different melody for each day in May, the month of special devotion to the Blessed Virgin. Only the musically relevant parts of this long litany are included here. Worthy of special mention is the transition in the metric structure from 4/4 to 6/4 in the concluding part (emrēh d’alāhā, ‘Lamb of God’). This metric cycle with accents on the first and the third beats is known in South Indian classical music theory as Rūpakam.

Transliteration & Translation (English)
Transliteration by Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C. M. I.
Transliteration Translation

Quryēlaysōn, kristhēlaysōn

M'śihā śmāayn m'śihā, qambel bāwūţan
Alāhā awā d’wśmayyā, eţrāham alayn
Alāhā b’ra pārōqē d'ālmā, eţrāham alayn
Alāhā ruhā d'qud'śā, eţrāham alayn
Tlīţāyuţā qandiśtā had alāhā, eţrāham alayn
Eţrāham (2), eţrāham alayn.

Qandiśtā mārtā maryam, appis h’lāpayn
Qandiśtā yāldaţ alāhā, appis h’lāpayn
Qandiśtā b'ţūlaţ b'ţūlāţā, appis h’lāpayn
Appis h’lā (2), appis h’lāpayn

Malkţā d'wardyā qandiśtā, appis h’lāpayn
Malkţā daślāmā, appis h’lāpayn
Malkţā yāyūţ karm'lā, appis h’lāpayn
Appis h’lā (2), appis h’lāpayn

Emrē d’alāhā hāw d'śāqēl hathīţē d'ālmā hassā lan māran.
Emrē d’alāhā hāw d'śāqēl hathīţē d'ālmā anī lan māran.
Emrē d’alāhā hāw d'śāqēl hathīţē d'ālmā eţrāham alayn.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy

Christ hear us, Christ receive our prayer.
God the Father in heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Have mercy (2), have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy mother of God, pray for us.
Virgin most chaste, pray for us.
Pray for (2), pray for us.

Queen of the holy rosary, pray for us.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Queen, beauty of Carmel, pray for us.
Pray for (2), pray for us.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, pardon us, our Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, answer us, our Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Syriac Text
Text Courtesy - Joseph Thekkadath Puthenkudy
Transliteration & Translation (English)
Transliteration by Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C. M. I.

Quryēlaysōn, kristhēlaysōn

M'śihā śmāayn m'śihā, qambel bāwūţan
Alāhā awā d’wśmayyā, eţrāham alayn
Alāhā b’ra pārōqē d'ālmā, eţrāham alayn
Alāhā ruhā d'qud'śā, eţrāham alayn
Tlīţāyuţā qandiśtā had alāhā, eţrāham alayn
Eţrāham (2), eţrāham alayn.

Qandiśtā mārtā maryam, appis h’lāpayn
Qandiśtā yāldaţ alāhā, appis h’lāpayn
Qandiśtā b'ţūlaţ b'ţūlāţā, appis h’lāpayn
Appis h’lā (2), appis h’lāpayn

Malkţā d'wardyā qandiśtā, appis h’lāpayn
Malkţā daślāmā, appis h’lāpayn
Malkţā yāyūţ karm'lā, appis h’lāpayn
Appis h’lā (2), appis h’lāpayn

Emrē d’alāhā hāw d'śāqēl hathīţē d'ālmā hassā lan māran.
Emrē d’alāhā hāw d'śāqēl hathīţē d'ālmā anī lan māran.
Emrē d’alāhā hāw d'śāqēl hathīţē d'ālmā eţrāham alayn.


Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy

Christ hear us, Christ receive our prayer.
God the Father in heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Have mercy (2), have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy mother of God, pray for us.
Virgin most chaste, pray for us.
Pray for (2), pray for us.

Queen of the holy rosary, pray for us.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Queen, beauty of Carmel, pray for us.
Pray for (2), pray for us.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, pardon us, our Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, answer us, our Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Syriac Text
Text Courtesy - Joseph Thekkadath Puthenkudy

Transliteration Guide

Guide - Page1
Guide - Page2
Guide - Page3
Guide - Page4
Guide - Page5

Available recordings

Aramaic Project Recordings:

S.No Occassion/Purpose/Context Artist Youtube Link Aramaic Project Number Notes
1 Litany in Syriac, translated from Latin (Kyrie Eleison). Sebastian Menachery Video AP 52h Melody 1 of 2
2 Sebastian Menachery Video AP 52p Melody 2 of 2
3 Lonappan Arackal Video AP 51h Melody 1 of 4
4 Lonappan Arackal Video AP 51i Melody 2 of 4
5 Lonappan Arackal Video AP 51j Melody 3 of 4
6 Lonappan Arackal Video AP 51k Melody 4 of 4
7 Rev. Dr. Jacob Vellian and team Video AP 6h
8 Joseph Pathiamoola Video AP 4Q
9 Dr. Jacob Vellian Video AP 6D
11 Pappootty Master (Violin) and Bennedy Anikkad (Vocal) Video AP 138
12   Benady Anikkad and Papooty Master (on Violin) Video AP 128
13   Bennady and Pappotty Master Video AP 244


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