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Aramaic Project - I

Interviews and Performances - Video List

No. 200 to 191

AP 200 - Family entertainment with a Syriac song.

We celebrate the two hundred-th video with an unusual video of family entertainment in which young children sing and dance the Syriac alphabet. The sound of the Syriac language is becoming a part of the daily experience of the Syro Malabar Catholics......


AP 199 - SLOSAK AWUN . St. Thomas Syro Malabar Church, Detroit, Michigan.

Syro Malabar Catholics welcome Bishop Mar Francis Kalabat, Bp of St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Diocese of the East, USA. Feast of Marth Maryam Parish. 32 May 2019. The congregation welcomes the Bishop with the song "Slothak Awun." Co-celebrants: Fr. Nicholas T, Vicar of St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Church and Fr. Joy Chakkiath, former vicar. Singers: Sr. Sevana, Biju Scaria, Joseph Manalel, and Titty Thomas......


AP 198 - Children beat Corona virus by choral singing. SMYM KATTAPPANA Forane.

The Syro Malabar Youth Movement (SMYM) of Kattappana Forane Church organizes a choral presentation of Hellleluia. 19 May 2020. Special thanks to Fr. Sebastian Muthuplackal and Nazrani Padana Parampara (Nazrani Learning Series)......


AP 197 - Syriac chant to celebrate St. Thomas Day. Houston, Texas.

It was a few of the youth belonging to the St. Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Church Houston Young Adult English choir. There was a neat initiative taken by a group of Syro Malabar Youth from California who was doing a series of social media posts in connection with the perunual preparations for St. Thomas. They asked me and some of our youth leaders if they could sing a Syriac song......


AP 196 - Catechism through Syriac chants. Ramsha Mariam Payyappilly.

Young Adult English choir of St. Joseph's Syro Malabar Catholic Church in Houston Sings a Syriac song in honor of the Apostle Thomas, who brought Aramaic Christianity to India. Recorded on 2 July 2020......


AP 195 - Syriac chants during priestly ordination of Fr Melvin Paul. Chicago.

Syriac chants during priestly ordination ceremony for Fr. Melvin Paul. St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Cathedral, Chicago. Saturday,16 May 2020. See more on the welcome song on our Encyclopedia of Syriac chants ......


AP 194 - St. Thomas Chant for the feast of Dukhrana.

Mar Walah, the very words from the mouth of the Apostle of India. The St. Thomas Christians have the privilege of owning up and celebrating these words, especially on July 3...


AP 193 - Did St. Thomas Come to Kerala?

A critical inquiry into the CNN program on Doubting Thomas. Cyriac Scaria cross-examines Dr. Joseph J. Palackal, CMI, one of the guests on the CNN program.....


AP 192 - Qandisa Alaha and Covid-19. Syro Malabar children sing in Austin, Texas.

The children's choir of the St. Alphonsa Syro Malabar Catholic Church at Austin, Texas, USA, gives a new meaning to the famous Syriac chant at the time of an international disaster.See more details on this chant at our Encyclopedia of Syriac Chants http://thecmsindia.org/qandisa-alaha ......


AP 191 - Five-hundred children preparing for bilingual (English/Syriac ) Qurbana.

We are grateful to Soy Joseph for capturing these moments for future reference. Fr. Jacob Christy, Vicar, invited me to prepare the choir to sing the English version of the Qurbana that I co-composed with George Thaila. Fr. Jacob told me that the community has been warming up to Syriac chants......


Our Mission

Christian Musicological Society of India is an international forum for interdisciplinary research, discussion, and dissemination of knowledge, on the music, art and dance of about thirty million Christians in India, who belong to a diverse set of communities and linguistic groups and follow a variety of liturgical traditions some of which date back to the early Christian era. Founded in 1999 by Dr. Joseph J. Palackal CMI, the Society hopes that such researches will draw attention to the lesser known aspects of India in connection with the rest of the world.


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