Syromalabarsabhayude Qurbana
സിറോമലബാർസഭയുടെ കുർബ്ബാന
'Syromalabarsabhayude Qurbana Oraamukhapadanam'
Published by
(Pastoral Center, Archdiocese of Thrissur)

The book briefly mentions the five Syriac Liturgical traditions ie, Roman, Anthocian, Alexandrian, Byzantine and Chaldean rites. It then describes the liturgical structure of Syro Malabar Qurbana (Solemn High mass), Anaphora texts, Sacrements , Hymns, Rites, Services etc. It also describes religious practices to be followed by a believer in accordance to the Church .
- Printed at - Nilyattingal Offset, Kuriachira, Thrissur
Keywords - Solemn High Mass of Syro-Malabar Church, Syro-Malabar Church, Liturgical traditions, Syro Malabar Qurbana, Qurbana, Anaphora, Hymns, services , Elementary Guide of Solemn High Mass, St. Thomas Christians, Syriac Tradition, Chaldean Traditions
Courtesy - Wilson Muriyadan